Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Best use of vacation Essay

A vacation begins at the end of examination .Students breath a sigh of relief as a heavy burden has been unloaded .They pine for some change from the drudgery of their daily routine. During the vacation, some students visit historically important places. Some, who are away from their parents gladly go home .Others may spend (or waste?) the vacation in entertainment. It is, then evident that a vacation can be utilized in a variety of ways. A vacation is not for pleasure. It is for both pleasure and profit. The best use of vacation lies in undertaking some creative or constructive work. Many avenues are open today for creative and constructive work .Student can learn the art of making dolls and toys. They can join some short-term course in TV repairing, electrical wiring. Some students can enroll themselves as member of a library and increase their knowledge. The government of India, through the government of Maharashtra, has introduced N.S.S. (National Service Scheme) this Scheme expe cts student to undertake social service in adjacent areas. The government expects the student to educate the masses with regard to pollution and superstition, literacy and cleanliness. Most of the Indians live in villages. Even after fifty years of freedom, we could not improve the villages and the villagers to the desired extent. It would be the best use of vacation if the students visited a nearby village with the intention of reformation. The sanitary condition in a village is far from satisfactory. Open drains containing stagnant water are found everywhere .Roads are not in a proper shape, the source of drinking-water is insect-affected .The menace of mosquitoes is perpetual .The villagers live under the most unhygienic conditions. To crown the disaster, as it were, facilities for education and medicine are conspicuous by their absence .How the villagers manage to live in such adverse atmosphere is a matter of wonder. One need not be a doctor or an engineer to transform the shape of villages. No age or sex, qualification or status is pre scribed for a social worker. Students should impress on the villagers the importance of cleanliness. They should tell then how to make drinkable, the adulterated and insect-affected water .They must ask them neither to waste water nor to allow it to stagnate in a pool .Such a pool is a fertile field for mosquitoes .In this connection they can quite and explain the proverb: â€Å"prevention is better than cure† students must give stress on the efficacy of literacy .Spread of education alone can transform the life-style of the  villagers. If every student were to assume the role of a reformer, during the duration of vacation, he would be using his vacation in the best way If one works very hard and continuously, one naturally feels tired. Our minds begin to wander, and we feel unable to fix our attention on work. Psychologists say that fatigue is caused by some of the brain matter being wasted while at hard work, and that, in order to allow the matter to be replaced, rest is necessary. It is only after the necessary rest that we feel fresh as before. Thus leisure is quite ess ential for our system after hard work. This does not mean that we should absolutely cease to do any work because work is as necessary as rest. Rest can also be had by a change in occupation. For example we have been working hard at mathematics for 4 hours and long for rest. But we need not sit idle. We can sing a few of our favourite songs and enjoy the tunes. That is also rest Again or if we have a hobby like stamp-collecting, we may after a hard day’s work, collect stamps, affix them neatly in sheets with decorated borders. This is not only a pleasing occupation but also useful. We may also attend to our garden during our leisure hours. We may trim a plant or prune a creeper or dig the ground. We may watch the glory of the buds blossoming into a flower. Watering the flower plants is not only a pleasant diversion but also a very useful form of physical exercise. We can also watch the birds around. Some may try their hand at drawing or painting. Painting flowers or creepers or birds in their natural setting is something of an achievement and may give us very great pleasure indeed. Those who have leisure may collect beautiful pictures and make them into neat albums. If we are in the country side, we may take a walk into the open and mingle freely with farmers and other rural folk. We may study their outlook and ideas, their needs and aspirations. We may probably tell them a thing or two from our knowledge of modem times and of the modem world which they might not have known. We may try to teach them the elements of hygiene and first-aid; or if they have their own methods, we can also collect the tales most popular among them, and thus specialise in folk-lore. It is a fascinating study, which will reflect the various phases of the life of those spending most of their time in their native surroundings. The most useful way of spending one’s leisure is to do some kind of social service especially to the backward sections of society. We may informally hold classes for illiterate adults, narrate interesting  stories, teach them to read and write, tell them how to safeguard themselves against infectious diseases, teach them the benefit of thrift by encouraging them to deposit their meagre savings in a saving bank or invest them in national savings certificates, and do a hundred other similar things besides. We may teach them the rudiments of civics, educate them as to their rights as voters and as to their duties in safeguarding it we may exhort them to give their whole-hearted cooperation in the community project and other development schemes.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Cycles in Biology †Synoptic Essay

A cycle can be defined by a series of repeated steps that produce an end product which is the same as the start product. There are many cycles in biology including cycles that occur inside organisms such as the cardiac cycle, calvin cycle and the krebs cycle. There are also biological cycles that occur around us in the outside world such as the carbon cycle and the nitrogen cycle. I have decided to focus my essay on the biological cycles that occur inside organisms. The cardiac cycle is vital in all organisms with a heart, to pump blood round the body. There are phases of the cardiac cycle; systole (contraction) and diastole (relaxation). The heart consists of 4 chambers, 2 being the atria at the top of the heart and the other 2 being the ventricles at the bottom of the heart. Systole occurs separately in the atria and ventricles and diastole occurs simultaneously in all 4 chambers. The cardiac cycle is controlled by electrical waves that spread throughout the heart. The blood flows into the heart straight into the atria via the vena cava and pulmonary vein. A wave of electrical activity is firstly spread from the Sino-atrial node which spreads across both atria, this causes the atria to contract which forces blood down into the ventricles through the atrioventricular valves. The atrioventricular septum prevents the wave crossing the ventricles. The wave passes to the atrioventricular node where it is passed down the septum down specialised fibres known as the bundle of His. This occurs after a short delay to allow all the blood to flow from the atria to the ventricles. This wave passes down the bundle of His to the Apex of the heart where the Ventricles contract upward, pumping blood out of the ventricles into the pulmonary artery and aorta through the semilunar valves. Here the blood is then passed round the body where it then returns to the heart and the process repeats.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Black Working Poor vs. Black Middle Class

(Shawn A. Ginwright 2002) The black middle class experienced dramatic growth in the post civil-rights era. This growth raised questions about how social and cultural capital among the black middle class has helped the conditions of the black working poor. The author demonstrates through materialist and culturalist frames of the community how black middle class members of a small organization frame community failed to address the needs of the working poor. Materialist frames are rooted in day-to-day material conditions. They are informed by the lived reality of low wages, high rents, and or poor quality schools and focus on immediate change of concrete conditions. (Shawn A. Ginwright 2002) Culturalist frames challenge ideas and values, rather than power and people. Through a shared set of ideas and values, culturalist frames focus on symbolic meaning and abstract theories of the social world and attempt to change social meaning and personal identity. They promote specialized ideas about community and social issues and encourage expert-based social change through highly skilled, educated professionals. (Shawn A. Ginwright 2002) His argument is that the middle class use their skills, and other forms of human capitol to define community issues, while overlooking the interests of the working poor. Then Ginwright used a case study to affirm his theory. The case study was of a middle class community’s use Afrocentric ideology to ameliorate a working class neighborhood high school; the middle class misdiagnosed an obvious problem through culturalist framing resulting in no significant improvement in the high school. Afrocentric ideology is a modern concept in response to racist and attitudes about black people. It is a black inspired ideology that affirms blacks in a white dominated society. In the efforts to improve McClymonds High School in Oakland California a group of community advocates, The Black Front For Educational Reform (BUFFER), started coalition with working class parents and concerned citizens to transform the high school. Then BUFFER grew in size from roughly 30 local community individuals to 125 individuals from professors to attorneys. With the original BUFFERS the plan was simple, improve specific issues related to the day-to-day experiences of students, what the school lacked, but also what students at the school needed to survive. First, although many of its members shared the same ideology about the need to improve the conditions for black students at McClymonds High School, there was conflict about which strategy would best serve the needs of the students. (Shawn A. Ginwright 2002) The original working class members of BUFFER wanted to address the material issues such as textbook, facility structure, college prep courses, etc†¦ The new BUFFERS convinced that the problem was from lack of positive ethnic identity and racial pride. They wanted to address educational inequality by implementing an Afrocentric curriculum. This gave the idea of self-esteem issues. The Afrocentric curriculum did get approved and was implemented in the curriculum. For many students the new subject was not understood and Afrocentrism did not have any relevance to their day to day life experiences. The emphasis they placed on Afrocentric education diverted valuable resources to what could have been an effort to redress the pervasive inequality at the High. (Shawn A. Ginwright 2002) In reading the article it disclosed a serious gap in understanding of society needs between the middle class and the working poor class. Since the article was based on one case study, the results were skewed in favor of the author’s theory. The reading does not provide the benefits obtained by the high school from incorporating an Afrocentric curriculum or another case study that shows similar results. The author made an argument and used only one case study to verify his theory. The reading did provide some insight into the relationship between the two but it only provides inferred reasoning as to why there is a difference between the two. With two different social classes within the same organization, communication was really the necessity that was lacking to have a better outcome in the transformation of the high school. I would definitely recommend this read to a classmate

Sunday, July 28, 2019

HR Management Transformation Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

HR Management Transformation - Research Paper Example This can be explained with the help of an example. Business leaders would want to maximize their profits. The HR leaders may be honored if they are capable of explaining the business leaders of numerous ways to manage the people in the organization for maximizing their profitability. In order to develop a better organization, the leaders need to have lucidity in their thoughts as well as sense of directions. They need to have patience which seems to be the toughest stage. Since the HR managers needs to face the situations where negotiations are made, therefore, the HR leaders’ need to be self disciplined (Saha, n.d.) It can be mentioned that the history of the human resource management can be traced back to the 19th century during the existence of the welfare officers. It was the First World War that sped up alterations in the development of personal management where the women were recruited in order to fill up the gaps that were left by the men who were going to fight. It was during the Second World War, the concept of welfare and personnel work came into being. Further, during the 1960s and the 1970s the development of employment was evident. ... HR as a strategic partner can be understood as maintaining long-term relation with the organizational partners so that the common objectives can be achieved. The companies are capable of making the human resources as the strategic partner’s by delivering effective human resource services. The main reason behind the change of HR management from administrative and operational functions to the strategic partner is that there is constant change in the demands and trends of the organization triggering the need for new ways of thinking as well as operating. Such change necessitates the HR as well as the other professionals to alter their ways of looking at things. In order to add value to the organization, it becomes essential for the human resource professionals to play new roles and thus show broader competencies with the change in time. Furthermore, the companies require new model so that they can assist the decision makers at making sound decisions related to the human resource policies. The companies are capable of enhancing their competitive advantage by aligning the HR strategies to their business plan (Dye, n.d.). Ford Motor Company has changed it view from tough managerialism that can be described as a management philosophy based upon the rigid pursuit of tight control over its employees, to a strategy where the employees are encouraged to participate and involve themselves in the strategy building process. According to the views of the HR Director of Ford Motor Company, Mr. Patrick David, for the restructuring organizations the job of the human resource department comprises one of the challenging tasks. Since many years, human

A critical evaluation of the role of Budgetting Essay

A critical evaluation of the role of Budgetting - Essay Example results in nothing more than dysfunctional behaviour has initially been proposed by Hope and Fraser (2003) as part of the Beyond Budgeting Round Table (BBRT). This report is a review of relevance of budgeting in contemporary business contexts and an attempt to suggest which one among ‘better budgeting’ or ‘beyond budgeting’ will be effective to the CFO of Halfords Group plc. This report is prepared to submit to the CFO as he asked me to review literatures and prepare a report based on ‘budgeting- lost relevance’ after he participated in a conference that made him concerned about the matter. In finance and accounting, budgeting is a formal plan expressed in monetary terms and is prepared in a current financial year to provide managers and other stakeholders with an estimate of the anticipated costs and revenues for the next financial year (Chandra, Menon and Mishra, 2007, p. 264). Traditionally, budgets served a number of useful purposes such as 1) planning annual business operations, 2) coordinating various activities in the organisation, 3) communicating these plans to various responsibility managers or departments, 4) motivating managers to achieve desired organisational goal, 5) controlling all activities in the firm and 6) evaluating managers’ performance (Drury, 2006, p. 426). Because of that budgeting looks both forward and backward, it identifies resources that the company is likely to generate and the need in its near future to serve as a measure of current and past performance of department and individual managers (Fabozzi and Drake, 2009, p. 334). Why budgeting has been traditionally considered as an effective strategic tool for management accounting was that it was nothing but a plan relating to future and it helped management take various critical decisions pertaining to strategic planning, budgetary planning and operational planning (Walker, 2006, p. 305). Budgeting has also played a very significant role in strategic and operational

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Voter Psychology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Voter Psychology - Essay Example why voters cast their ballots for this candidate and that party. Downs implies that what is ideal is to vote on the basis of issues and ideologies but the reality is that many voters follow certain rules and others certain logical steps which they use as guidelines to vote. Downs intimates that most voters vote for selfish reasons, that at the heart of the voting process is their own interests, which is the maximization of their utility incomes (42). If their incomes are below the desired level, they are apt to support a change of the status quo and thus a vote against the incumbent. But if their incomes have skyrocketed because of the incumbent's policies that favor them, they will necessarily dread a change of policies or a fracture in the continuity of present policies and thus bat for retention of the incumbent in office. fat chance of winning. Thus in order to ensure that his voting is not an exercise in futility, he becomes engaged in forecasting, predicting and estimating the outcome of the election contest. If such processes prove that his preferred bet is not "part of the relevant range of choice" (48), then he has no option but switch vote for another party that has a better chance of winning. Related to the idea that a voter opts for that which carries or protects the voter's best interests is the idea of partisanship. Downs, however, refuses to mention this word. Instead, he designates partisans as loyalists (85), who have set their minds to vote for a particular candidate election after election. These voters are knowledgeable about the issues and are often zealous and participative in political discussions. Downs also introduces the idea of trend factor which voters may use as guideline in their decision of whom to vote for in an election (41). Voters tend to reelect the incumbent who at the outset of his government incurred mistakes but then has improved steadily his governance and at the present has governed expertly to voters' satisfaction. Conversely, voters tend to boot out of office that incumbent who started office splendidly, but has since spiraled out to degeneracy. Another Downs syndrome is the performance ratings concept (41). Sometimes voters are thrown out of equilibrium when candidates carry identical platforms and policies. To resolve the impasse, the basis of the decision is drastically changed to whether or not the incumbent has performed better in office than their predecessors. If not, then the verdict is to replace the incumbent.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Advanced Nursing Skills - Group Process and Therapy Essay - 1

Advanced Nursing Skills - Group Process and Therapy - Essay Example it is imperative that nurses assume the role of nurse therapists and offer group therapies to the needy patients making use of their theoretical insights in group process and group dynamics. However, it is important that the group members are selected after careful screening so that the group leader (therapist or counselor) can address the psychiatric problems of group members who share certain common problems. Group therapy is aimed at offering empathy and support to all the group members by creating an atmosphere of trust that leads to sharing and exploring of each one’s concerns (Corey, 2008, p. 4). The skills of the group members are strengthened in group therapy with a view to enabling them to face future problems of similar nature. The scope of group therapy in mental healthcare setting is greater as this would enable a psychiatric patient to correct emotional and behavioral disorders that impede one’s functioning or to remediate in-depth psychological problemsâ⠂¬  (Corey, 2008, p. 7). However, it is essential that the group therapists guard themselves against any sorts of cultural or racial stereotyping and cultural encapsulation within a multicultural group setting. As pointed out by Corey (2008, p. 4), group therapies and counseling have â€Å"preventive as well as remedial aims.† However, one needs to differentiate between counseling groups and therapy groups. Group counseling is often problem oriented and addresses a specific educational, vocational, social, or personal issue. Similarly, group counseling is â€Å"growth oriented in that the emphasis is on discovering internal resources of strength† to face situational crises, temporary conflicts, or self-defeating behaviors (Corey, 2008, p. 4). On the other hand, interpersonal relationships are very much significant in group therapies and as such, these therapies stress the thoughts, feelings and behavior patterns of the participants as well. In this respect, Corey (2008, p. 7) observes that

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Madbury vs Madison and Mc Collough vs Maryland Essay

Madbury vs Madison and Mc Collough vs Maryland - Essay Example Marbury filed a suit before the Supreme Court on its original jurisdiction and prayed for a writ of Mandamus to be passed, ordering Madison to deliver him the signed commission (Levinson and Balkin 3). The questions or legal issues that were to be decided in this case were, whether the applicant had a right to the commission he demanded, whether the country can afford him a remedy and lastly, whether the remedy provided by the court will be in the form of Mandamus (William Marbury vs. James Madison). The case arose out of the dispute between two political parties, which were the Federalists, primarily led by Alexander Hamilton on the one hand and on the second hand the Republicans, led by Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and others (Levinson and Balkin 3). Jefferson and fellow Republicans were not pleased with the Federalists, who were trying to safeguard their political power by packing the court with their own men before they left their office. The Republicans vowed to fix the wrong which had been done by Republicans (Mountjoy & Mc Neese 27-28). This ultimately led to the battle in the form of Madbury vs. Madison in the US Supreme Court, Now coming to the case of Mc Culloch vs. Maryland, the parties to this suit were Mc Culloch who is the Appellant in this case, whereas, the State of Maryland is the defendant (Mc Culloch vs. Maryland). The State of Maryland had enacted a statute imposing a tax on all the banks, which were operating in Maryland and were not chartered by the state. The statute provided that all such banks will not have the power to issue note and can only issue them by purchasing the paper to be issued by the state (Mc Culloch vs. Maryland). The cashier of the Baltimore branch of the second bank of the United States, which was established by the 1816 Act of the Congress, issued bank notes without complying with the Maryland law. Maryland sued Mc Culloch to pay taxes and Mc Culloch contested the constitutionality of the Act (Mc Culloch vs. Maryla nd). The issues, in this case, were whether the Congress had the power to incorporate a bank, even when the power is not specifically stated by the constitution and whether the State of Maryland had the power to tax an institution created by its own power granted by the constitution (Mc Culloch vs. Maryland). The Supreme Court held in this case that the Congress had power under the Constitution to incorporate a bank, that the State of Maryland did not have the power to tax an institution created by the Congress pursuant to its powers under the constitution and the Act passed by Maryland to levy taxes was unconstitutional (Mc Culloch vs. Maryland). Despite the fact that the above two cases are distinct and stretched over two different time period, having different subject matter and facts, the two cases have certain things in common. Firstly, both the cases were on constitutional law and required interpretation of the constitution. Secondly, both cases were initiated in the same peri od of time, which is the early 19th century. Thirdly, both the cases had supreme importance and were landmark cases in the history of the United States, in the sense that both the cases decided important issues.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Electrical Cars Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Electrical Cars - Research Paper Example It is estimated that more than one third of the total energy such as natural gas, diesel, and gasoline in the world goes to driving automobiles. Today, auto industries are in the toe-tip of enhancing transition into electrical cars. This is because of several forces that limit growth of the oil industry and automotive businesses. These limiting factors have made engineers implement varieties of propulsive systems that require other forms of energy instead of oil. General Motors has, therefore, come up with very promising configuration of battery electric vehicles (BEV) to supplement combustion engine. An electric car is an automobile design that uses electrical motor to power the car with electricity provided by the batteries. Batteries used in these cars have varying designs with lead-acid and lithium ion sillier as compared to the ones used in mobile phones and laptops. Evolution of electric vehicles has been met to address depression of fuel resources and prevention of air polluti on. Emission of harmful hydrocarbons has been a major global issue that has mitigated car manufacturers to invent and adopt less harmful machineries. In addition, over the years there has been an increase in awareness among people across the world to adopt eco-friendly means by going green due to the recent dangers of global warming. Electric vehicles have, therefore, been the potential option to save the world from harmful gases emitted by petroleum driven cars. These modes of cars have taken a long journey since 1996 when General Motors produced the first modern electric car in the world. The recent electric cars that have been introduced are Chevrolet Volt, Tesla Roadster, and Nissan Leaf. These cars have made a very great stride in the current technology and acceptance of the consumers. This is because they have been considered as a major step of reducing dependency on petroleum products, protecting the environment, and improving sustainability of transport across the world (Ebe rhard & Tarpenning, 2006). It is estimated that electric cars can cover a distance of 100 miles per hour, which makes them the fastest cars in the world. This has given these cars higher popularity and sales in various countries like the United States and United Kingdom. In 2011, sale of electric cars in the United States has risen to about 350 thousand units. Many customers purchased these cars so as to qualify for tax incentives that were imposed by federal governments on petroleum products during economy recession. Despite General Motors’ willingness to combat global warming, the company always faces a barrier of electrifying car industries due to the limited range of the electric cars. This barrier is mainly observed on the consumers’ side – they are afraid of getting stranded alongside roads with empty batteries (Haaren, 2011). Although there is great emphasis on protecting the environment through using environmental friendly cars, people need to be realist ic about their benefits. This is because electric cars have very significant disadvantages that create limitation to their use and wide spread availability. In addition, these disadvantages give reasons why people tend not to use electrical vehicles across the world. The research in this paper, therefore, aims to provide insight on how General Motors should increase its interest in electrical cars by making electrical cars more fan, fixing the

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Credit Assessment and Consulting in Rating Agencies Research Paper

Credit Assessment and Consulting in Rating Agencies - Research Paper Example nsulting services whereby debt issuers request rating agencies to direct them on the manner to structure their debt issues with the aim of securing a favorable rating (Crockett, Harris, Mishkin & White, 2004). In such circumstances, the credit-rating agencies are in effect auditing their own work. Moreover, credit-rating agencies may deliver favorable ratings so as acquire extra clients for the ancillary consulting business. Much of the challenges associated with Credit Assessment and Consulting in Rating Agencies relate to the reliability and integrity of ratings. Investors utilize credit ratings that mirror the probability of default to ascertain the creditworthiness of certain debt securities (Langohr & Langohr, 2008). Conflict of interest can yield a decrease in the flow of reliable information centering on either concealment of the information, or dissemination of misleading information (Brooks & Dunn, 2010). This has dire consequences on the value of stakeholder’s benefits. The markets can in some instances ameliorate the impacts of conflicts of interest within financial services firms and cannot always contain the incentives to exploit conflicts of interest. Some of the approaches to remedying conflict of interest encompass: â€Å"leaving it to the market† or letting market forces resolve the conflict by penalizing financial firms that exploit conflict of interest and instituting new institutional means to contain conflict of interest (Brooks & Dunn, 2010). The other approaches encompass regulating for transparency through mandatory disclosure and supervisory oversight. Additional approaches towards remedying conflicts of interest within credit rating agencies encompass separation of functions and socialization of information production. In conclusion, there is a need to enhance accountability of Credit Rating Agencies so as to negate the pitfalls associated with conflict of interest (Werther & Chandler, 2006). Reputation remains one of the key

Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee Essay Example for Free

Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee Essay Americans who have always looked westward when reading about this period should read this book facing eastward†. Despite the popularity of the eyewitness accounts, Brown is not an absentee narrator. In the book Brown emphasizes two main points, the language he uses and the storyline of the book. He uses these two things to give the eyewitness accounts as much impact as possible. In the process, he attempts to defile his enemy in all kinds of different manners: The way Brown makes his readers; view eastward is by using the faults that have plagued the Native Americans. Brown’s way of emphasizes language allows the readers to connect to the Native Americans and this allows the book to thrive and continue. This book differs from a lot of other books about Native Americans, because he uses many Native American interpretations. For example, the Sioux and Cheyenne’s frequently see trains pass through their land in the Powder River country. Says Brown: ‘‘Sometimes they saw Iron Horses dragging wooden houses on wheels at great speed along the tracks . They were puzzled over what could be inside the houses. ’’ Brown uses the terms ‘‘Iron Horses’’ and ‘‘wooden houses’’ to describe trains and train cars, as a Native American at this time would have perceived them. Brown also uses the Native American designations for U. S. military ranks in his descriptions. For example, to a Native American at this time, a general was known as a â€Å"Star Chief† and a colonel was an â€Å"Eagle Chief†. In addition, Brown refers to prominent American historical figures by their Native American names. For example, many Native Americans called General George Armstrong Custer ‘‘Hard Backsides,† â€Å"because he chased them over long distances for many hours without leaving his saddle †. Brown also uses Native American naming systems for natural processes like time. Because Americans during this time divide the year into twelve months and refer to these months by names like May and June, however, Native Americans referred to these time periods by their relationship to nature. So, in Brown’s book, May is â€Å"the Moon When the Ponies Shed† and June is â€Å"the Strawberry Moon†. By using distinctly Native American interpretations like these in his narration, Brown takes his readers deep into the Native American experience. In the process, the reader begins to identify with the Native Americans. When readers identify with characters, they tend to feel sympathy for them. Through Dee Browns thesis, Brown organizes his story to maximize his readers’ sympathetic emotions. Brown establishes a three? part structure for most chapters, which demonstrates again and again that Native Americans lost no matter what they did. Francis Paul Prucha for examples states that â€Å"The materials have been selected to make the authors point, not to present a balanced view of what happened, from the Native American standpoint or from any other†. Typically, the chapter begins with a discussion of a chief or tribe who has lost something, generally a piece of their land and still has more to lose. For example, in the beginning of the second chapter, Brown notes: â€Å"As the result of two deceptive treaties, the woodland Sioux surrendered nine? tenths of their land and were crowded into a narrow strip of territory along the Minnesota River†. Following the discussion of what has been already lost; Brown introduces the second part, the struggle. For Native Americans in the nineteenth century, the struggles were many, whether they decided to go to war or did not. Many tribes in the book do choose to fight to retain their remaining land and freedom. In most cases, the tribes win some battles but end up losing the war. The U. S. soldiers are too advanced and numerous to be defeated, something that the Native Americans begin to realize. For example, Little Crow is cautious about fighting at first, because he had been to the East and seen the power of the Americans. They were everywhere and with cannons they would destroy everything in their path. Even when the Native Americans outnumber the whites, the military technology can be the decisive factor in the victory. As many Native Americans learned, even though they had bravery, numbers, and massive charges all of that would mean nothing if the Native Americans were armed only with bows, lances, and clubs. In cases where the Native Americans try to remain peaceful, Brown shows many ways that they are provoked into war. In several cases, settlers or miners hungry for the Native Americans’ remaining land spread lies in an effort to get the government to take their land. During the Civil War, Native Americans were sometimes provoked into fighting because it was the safer of two options for white, male citizens. For example, Brown says there was political pressure on soldiers from Coloradans who wanted to avoid the military draft of 1864 by serving in uniform against a few poorly armed Indians rather than against the Confederates farther east. Even after the Civil War, when the draft was no longer an issue, some drafted soldiers used lies to provoke Native Americans and kill them because peace was not profitable for the settlers. The final part of Brown’s argument in most chapters is the ending. Due to the massive struggles that Native Americans faced whether or not they chose to remain peaceful, most chapters end badly. The chiefs, who are often depicted as strong in the beginning and middle of the chapters when they are fighting for their land and people, end up dead, in prison, in exile, or on a reservation with the rest of their people. Even the exceptions to this rule, such as the chapter depicting Red Clouds successful war, ultimately end negatively. Red Cloud’s story is an example of the overall structure of the book. The book starts out with many Native Americans living free and retaining parcels of their land. As the story progresses and the white emigration start to take over, large armies and groups of white settlers cut down the various tribes. By the end of the book, the effect of white emigration has impacted around so much of the country that most Native Americans are dead, in prison, or on scattered reservations. To conclude I felt the effect on the reader is profound. Brown has gotten his readers to root for the underdogs by using eyewitness accounts and language to draw readers into the Native American experience. Yet, in each chapter Brown steadily crushes any hope that the reader might have for the Native Americans winning much of anything by using his plot. By using these strategies, Brown makes his readers feel more into the book by trying to make them sympathize to the Natives. Brown’s tone, or attitude towards his subject matter, is one of barely restrained outrage, and he wants readers to get angry, too. Tom Phillips, another reviewer states, â€Å"Brown has gone too far at some points and is guilty of the same faults as those who created the raditional image of the Native American as savage, alcoholic and expendable†.

Monday, July 22, 2019

A Leader in On-Line Travel Services Essay Example for Free

A Leader in On-Line Travel Services Essay The travel industry is billion dollar a year business. Year round people from all walks fill the roads and departing plane seats in search of travel success. There is no doubt that the travel industry will continue to be in demand, however, while vacationers, business travelers and everyone in between anticipate spending a good chunk of change to get from point a to point b, no person wants to part with their hard earned money. Thankfully, some genius out there understood this. Along with the evolution of the technological advances came a miraculous source for locating the best deals in travel, from flights to hotels to car rental. Based on the number of travel websites available, no longer do discounted travel options belong solely to commissioned travel agents. Today, everyone from housewives to grandpas to beer-guzzling football fanatics have the capability of obtaining their own travel deals. Parented by Expedia, Inc and based in Washington State, Expedia. com revolutionized the way people travel the world, and as time continues, its services only get better. With a bit of research, a pen and some paper, soon-to-be travelers are able to decide what airline or hotel best suits their needs (and their wallets) all with just a few clicks of the mouse. While competitors such as Travelocity and Priceline offer much of the same services, Expedia. com continues to be a leader in the travel industry (PR Newswire, p. 1). Thousands of hotels, airlines and other travel accommodators have joined in to vie for the traveler’s business, and the wooing has resulted in deep discounts and sometimes little extras, such as free hotel nights. Expedia. om’s early days were a bit primitive, but as the demand for travel options increased, the business flourished. Expedia. com has become a household name among travelers and will continue to be a source for deal seekers around the world. Expedia. com’s big break came in 1996 when Richard Barton, who, at the time, was responsible for creating CD-ROMS for Microsoft, presented the idea of offering travel options on-line (NetIndustries, p. 1). Microsoft Network1 reluctantly began assisting in web exposure in order to generate business for the experimental company (NetIndustries, p. ). While discounted airline tickets were the only product Expedia was offering at the time, the investment Microsoft placed in technological innovations for the company greatly expanded the number of people coming across Expedia. com’s website. A few short years would prove that Expedia. com was not just some fly-by-night ‘dot-com’. In 1999, Microsoft Network spun off a portion of their interest in Expedia for public availability; a move that increased Expedia. com’s worth within hours (NetIndustries, p. 1). With success under their belt, Microsoft opted to sell its entire interest in Expedia. com to USA Networks, Inc. 2. Led by CEO Erik Blachford, Expedia. com is wholly owned by InterActiveCorp (PBM, p. 1). Teaming up with Classic Custom Vacations, Expedia Corporate Travel and Travelscape. com, Inc. , Expedia. com found itself in the perfect position to expand the types of travel services offered, and could continue fulfilling their mission of utilizing electronic sourcing in order to provide the best travel options to its users (About Expedia. com, p. 1). Services available through Expedia. com include discounted flights, hotel accommodations, auto rental, cruises and even vacation packages, all for domestic and international destinations. Additionally, the company offers guidance to travelers who are unsure of the type of travel they are seeking. By clicking the ‘activities’ tab on the website, destination seekers are able to view events taking place all over the world (Expedia. com, p7). Additional services include printable maps, an easy 1. Microsoft Network, a major software developer, assisted Expedia. om by providing technological resources, to include premium web exposure, which played a major role in Expedia. com’s growth. 2. USA Networks, a media based operator, changed its name to USA Interactive upon completing its purchase of Expedia. com. USA Interactive also owns Expedia. com competitor Hotels. com (SJP, 2002). to maneuver website and 24/7 customer service. Along with success, Expedia. com endured its share of struggles. In early operations, Expedia faced several lawsuits, including one from competitor Priceline. om for infringing on a patented â€Å"name your price† service. Other competitors, such as Travelocity. com were heating things up by adding new features and services to their websites. Expedia. com’s defense was to play-up the features and services they already used by launching a major marketing campaign using tags like â⠂¬Å"Don’t just travel. Travel right,† and â€Å"Where do you want to go today? † (NetIndustries, p. 1). While the marketing campaign was a success, profit success was short-lived when some airlines stopped paying commissions to on-line travel agents, including Expedia. om. While competitors such as Priceline. com tagged on hefty $10. 00 surcharges to customers using airlines who didn’t pay commissions, Expedia was able to negotiate with several airlines in order to avoid charging additional fees to customers, while continuing to offer those airlines’ services without feeling too much of a punch (NetIndustries, . 1). Overcoming these challenges, Expedia continues its success by utilizing a product line pricing strategy, which entails offering a variety of products at ranged pricing, or bundling packages and charging accordingly. A mere 11 years old, Expedia. com has become established nationally as well as internationally. Today, Expedia. com’s success continues. It employs 1,758 people, and averages sales at an estimated $590 million (NetIndustries, p. 1). The future includes focusing on the business traveler, whose needs are being met by providing the widest range of products possible, and offering little comforts such as the Expedia. com Cafe3. Cornering the market with the best deals, Expedia. com will continue to lead the on-line travel industry without missing a beat.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Diversity in the Classroom

Diversity in the Classroom Schools are the places where the children shape their personalities and behavior. Like a child who shapes his or her personal outlook, even the school will be shaped by diverse cultural practices and values of the society. In essence, schools also reflect the existing norms of the society for which they set up. Interrelated and closely bonded beliefs and values are very common the culture of the schooling. In this chapter, an attempt was made to relate the basic ideology that underlines the culture in the US with many core values and beliefs. In addition, a link was made to relate the basic ideology as a means of divulging the deeper meaning of culture. Child rearing is a very meaningful approach that one can use to reveal the deeper meaning of the culture. Rearing children in a classroom has a strong link with the underlying culture of diverse ethnic groups. Several authors in the past have tried to explain what childrearing is, especially in the context of existing cultural practices. Almost all authors believe that childrearing is a mirror of different cultural ideologies along with practices and values of different cultures. Ogbu (Ogbu, 1981) believes that parents prepare their children for the society and the world as they know and experience it. Society can easily influence and shape our schools. The core values and practices of the society are some of the critical factors that shape our schools. Educators, students and parents may never understand the deeper meaning of culture within the ambience of school learning. Traditional definitions of culture given by noted anthropologists may not be sufficient for designing and executing school learning experiences that are so common in culturally different settings. In this section, we will treat objectifying culture as the basic step in the process of designing and constructing a simple and workable definition of culture. This simple working definition will help us streamline planning school learning experiences among different people. What is objectifying culture? A simple depersonalization process that helps us in conducting critical examination of the ideologies that support accepted and acknowledged social behavior and cultural practices. Ideologies and beliefs can reflect different aspects of deep meaning of culture. Schools are the learning centers that also reflect the cultural norms of a larger sized society. Deeper meaning of the culture can also be revealed through inspecting and evaluating ideologies and any interconnected beliefs and values. One can also reveal the deep meaning of culture by including communication among parents, teachers and students, and different social interaction patterns, as well as childrearing methods and practices. The Culture of Practice in a Struggling School Every teacher is different. Each one of them has own ideological stance and understanding of culture. In fact, these two viewpoints shape how they see school curriculum, learning process, pedagogy and social context that allow learning in school. In nutshell, the way and manner in which a teacher understands the culture influences in the school, will ultimately influence his or her ability to provide meaningful and productive learning experiences to the students. This chapter will provide two main benefits: It provides you a solid groundwork to comprehend cultural diversity in a classroom; It also helps you learn how to teach traditionally underserved students, who come from diverse and experiential backgrounds. Hollins (Hollins, 2006) reported about an approach, which was identified as a structured dialogue, playing an important tool to assist convert the culture of practice followed in a low performing school. In such schools, teachers also learned how to teach traditionally underserved urban students. The first part of this chapter presents you the study as reported by Hollins. On the other hand, the second section of this chapter deals with the things that teachers learned in their classroom, in the form of a structure that is planned at divulging the deeper meaning of culture within the ambience of a school. The most critical components of this framework are: Culturally mediated cognition and Culturally mediated instruction The main goal of this dedicated discussion is to bring an awareness of the culture of practice in very low performing urban schools. This expertise will empower you to evaluate your own progress as a dedicated classroom teacher and shun possible scenarios where you will be introduced unconsciously to the prevailing practice of culture. What is a structured dialogue? It is an intricate process of learning, where all teachers come together in a study group styled format, to discuss and learn more about their classroom dialogues. In the process of conducting a series of dialogues, teachers can describe the unique successes and special challenges they encounter in their classrooms along with evidences and testimonies from each of the participating teacher. The most significant benefit of a structured dialogue process is the teachers ability to learn from other on different methods that can help in improving classroom practices and student learning outcomes. Identifying a Developmental Trajectory Hollins (Hollins, 2006) also worked on developing a developmental trajectory for modifications in the culture of practices in many of the underperforming urban schools. This trajectory involved three positions and three markers. The positions were: A Natal or initial culture identified in many of the underperforming schools just at the initiation of the study. A transitional position, when old practices and values were replaced or changed with new ones by the participating teachers A transformed culture, where all participating teachers adapted new and fresh values, practices and perceptions On the other hand, three important markers suggested for changes in the teachers culture of practices are: Teachers perceived perceptions and opinions about students, Teachers perceived perceptions and opinions about instruction and Interrelationship among different teachers Learning more about different positions The natal position is a simple, yet effective approach to structured dialogue. The teachers of a school join as a group, in low performing schools, to hold a deficit viewpoint of their students to focus on a number of issues like: Lack of skills, knowledge and information among students A perceived negative view of a students conditions of living An attitude that parents show disinterest in their childrens education In fact, every classroom is bound to lead to differences in learning outcomes. These differences could be due to a number of reasons like: Students effort and dedication towards studies, Intelligence, skills and perceived smartness Familys social status in the society In a natal position, teachers may or may not visit each others classroom or they may or may not talk to each other regarding their teaching methods. In fact, classroom instruction delivered by teachers was private and confidential. School authorities ensured that new teacher inductees were formally socialized into this new culture. Next, will be the transitional position. During this position, teachers may never talk negative about a student. However, it is quite difficult to realize similar outcomes with all the instructional approaches used by the teachers. This issue resulted in a serious discussion about the existing relationship between the teaching approach and the student-learning outcome. Dialogues about individual teaching practices veered towards personal, although individual teachers were careful about assuming responsibility for learning outcome among students. Senior teachers started giving better attention to the induction of new teachers by setting up informal and personal mentoring sessions. These sessions always included provision of guidance and help about teaching methods and approaches. On the other hand, transformational position is the last position that emerges during the third year of the study. The positive aspect of this position was that teachers always talked positive about their stu dents. In fact, positive outcome was the most significant benefit of this position. With the initiation of this position, teachers talked more about: The information students know and understand What should they know more about What instructional methods appeal them the most Teachers also found time to discuss many other issues like: The existing relationship among teaching methods and approaches Attributes of the student community Learning outcomes and results Teachers become more responsive by taking full responsibilities for their students learning outcomes. Teachers also start talking more about their students strengths, weaknesses and other related issues. In fact, everyone in the pubic knew about what students are doing and how they are performing. Teachers took each others suggestions seriously, visited others classrooms and later assumed full responsibility for their own classroom actions. All senior teachers started taking additional responsibilities about the new inductee teachers. Hollins (Hollins, 2006) presented the concept of developmental trajectory that is closely related to the typology subject discussed in Chapter I. The trajectory and typology discussed here gives you three important positions with relating categories of indicators for conceptualizing teaching methods. When you compare positions and indicators in the typology highlighted erstwhile in the first chapter of the book, with those of Hollins, many similarities may exist between the indicators, across many positions in the typology and the trajectory. For example, You can observe that the Type I teachers mentioned in the typology are almost similar to the teachers that were mentioned in the natal position, especially in the trajectory on indicators for teachers viewpoint on students and instruction. On the other hand, many indicators in the transformational position lying on the developmental trajectory and in the Type III in the domain of typology indicate towards the application of a teachers knowledge and awareness about: The intricate relationship between many student attributes and experiences Instructional and teaching practices adapted by the teacher Learning outcome as a meaningful support for teaching that is productive and result oriented. As mentioned elsewhere in the book, a structured dialogue is an efficient tool for assisting the complete transformation of a community of teaching practice and practices of individual teachers. If you are a beginning teacher, who is just starting to interact with your students, you can use this tool to improve your teaching methods and practices. The typology and the trajectory are very beneficial to teachers, old or new, in many different ways. The term typology is descriptive; it tries to explain the perceptual position, and response of teachers who are hired to teach in K-12 schools. It is a very convenient tool for analysis, evaluation and introspection for planned personal growth. On the other hand, developmental trajectory means the transformation of the practice of culture in an underperforming school with that of a learning community that focuses on enhancing student learning outcomes. Tip: When you recognize different indicators of position in a culture of practice followed in a school, you can easily understand how to interact and converse with colleagues and in what manner you can monitor and evaluate your own individual growth after participating in a community of practice. Both trajectory and typology are very beneficial to teachers in many ways. However, the typology model presented before in the first chapter, only detected the basic characteristics of teachers perception and practices along the lines of three positions, and it did not provide a structure for comprehending the existing relationship between different culture and school practices. Hence, the remainder part of this chapter will provide a platform for understanding the existing association between learners cultural backgrounds, classroom learning mode and learning outcomes. Cultural Diversity in a Classroom This course framework will provide you a theoretical perspective for culling knowledge base from other chapters and elucidate the structure to assist application to practice. The main concepts embedded in the framework will give a broader meaning for locating self-identity within the ambits of a culturally diverse society for Making an inquiry into students cultural and experiential background, Undoing sensitive elements from purposeful learning for students who from diverse communities and study in elementary and secondary schools The other objective of this chapter is to make clear the existing relationship between culture, cognition, pedagogical practices and many learning outcomes. The underlying structure for comprehending cultural diversity in a typical classroom consists of two major parts, namely: Culturally intervened cognition and Culturally intervened instruction The former refers to the manner in which a students brain, memory structures and critical intellectual processes enhance, support and develop within a given cultural context. On the other hand, the latter includes a number of important components like culturally intervened cognition and prized knowledge and skills in school curriculum and culturally correct social scenarios for learning experience (see Table 7.2). Bransford, Brown, and Cocking (1999) pointed out that, all learning involves transfer from previous experiences (p. 56). The monumental work of Piaget and Vygptsky provides a theoretical ground for understanding cultural diversity in a classroom. This theory draws on available information processing to explain different structural components among different cultures, cognition, and pedagogy and learning experience for different cultural backgrounds. Note that you can find structural components among the participating individuals and groups, who are studying under different school settings. On the other hand, culture is unique and dynamic with constant changes and modifications. Journal Activity How do you handle a culturally diverse classroom? Explain how you want to teach and train your children, especially in the context of existing cultural practices. Explain how you will develop an ability to provide meaningful and productive learning experiences to the students, who are studying in a culturally struggling school. Differentiate between culturally mediated cognition and culturally mediated instruction. Explain your plan of action to make structural dialogue a success. Pause and Reflect As a teacher, why do think that a structured dialogue is an efficient tool for assisting the complete transformation of a community of teaching practice and practices of individual teachers. Provide reasons for your argument. What are the possible bottlenecks and potential problems that are likely to crop up, when you are using structured dialogues? Think of some strategies and plans to use different perceptions.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

RENT the Musical :: Rent Musicals Movies Broadway Plays Essays

RENT the Musical There's a scene in the new musical "RENT" that may be the quintessential romantic moment of the '90s. Roger, a struggling rock musician, and Mimi, a junkie who's a dancer at an S/M club, are having a lovers' quarrel when their beepers go off and each takes out a bottle of pills. It's the signal for an "AZT break," and suddenly they realize that they're both HIV-positive. Clinch. Love duet. If you don't think this is romantic, consider that Jonathan Larson's sensational musical is inspired by Puccini's opera "La Boheme," in which the lovers Mimi and Rodolfo are tragically separated by her death from tuberculosis. Different age, different plague. Larson has updated Puccini's end-of-19th-century Left Bank bohemians to end-of-20th-century struggling artists in New York's East Village. His rousing, moving, scathingly funny show, performed by a cast of youthful unknowns with explosive talent and staggering energy, has brought a shocking jolt of creative juice to Broadway. A far greater shock was the sudden death of 35-year-old Larson from an aortic aneurysm just before his show opened. His death just before the breakthrough success is the stuff of both tragedy and tabloids. Such is our culture. Now Larson's work, along with "Bring in 'Da Noise, Bring in 'Da Funk," the tap-dance musical starring the marvelous young dancer Savion Glover, is mounting a commando assault on Broadway from the downtown redoubts of off-Broadway. Both are now encamped amid the revivals ("The King and I") and movie adaptations ("Big") that have made Broadway such a creatively fallow field in recent seasons. And both are oriented to an audience younger than Broadway usually attracts. If both, or either, settle in for a successful run, the door may open for new talent to reinvigorate the once dominant American musical theater. "RENT" so far has the sweet smell of success, marked no only by it's $6 million advance sale (solid, but no guarantee) but also by the swarm of celebrities who have clamored for tickets: Michelle Pfeifer, Sylvester Stallone, Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise, Mel Gibson, Ralph your own biggie. Last week, on opening night, 21 TV crews, many from overseas, swarmed the Nederlander Theatre to shoot the 15 youthful cast members in euphoric shock under salvos of cheers. Supermogul David Geffen of the new DreamWorks team paid just under a million dollars to record the original-cast album. Pop artitsts who've expressed interest in recording songs from the 33-number score include Whitney Houston, Toni Braxton and Boyz II Men. A bidding scrimmage has started for the movie rights among such Hollywood heavies as Warner Brothers, Danny DeVito's Jersey Films, Fox 2000 and Columbia. The asking price is $3 million, but bonuses for length of run, RENT the Musical :: Rent Musicals Movies Broadway Plays Essays RENT the Musical There's a scene in the new musical "RENT" that may be the quintessential romantic moment of the '90s. Roger, a struggling rock musician, and Mimi, a junkie who's a dancer at an S/M club, are having a lovers' quarrel when their beepers go off and each takes out a bottle of pills. It's the signal for an "AZT break," and suddenly they realize that they're both HIV-positive. Clinch. Love duet. If you don't think this is romantic, consider that Jonathan Larson's sensational musical is inspired by Puccini's opera "La Boheme," in which the lovers Mimi and Rodolfo are tragically separated by her death from tuberculosis. Different age, different plague. Larson has updated Puccini's end-of-19th-century Left Bank bohemians to end-of-20th-century struggling artists in New York's East Village. His rousing, moving, scathingly funny show, performed by a cast of youthful unknowns with explosive talent and staggering energy, has brought a shocking jolt of creative juice to Broadway. A far greater shock was the sudden death of 35-year-old Larson from an aortic aneurysm just before his show opened. His death just before the breakthrough success is the stuff of both tragedy and tabloids. Such is our culture. Now Larson's work, along with "Bring in 'Da Noise, Bring in 'Da Funk," the tap-dance musical starring the marvelous young dancer Savion Glover, is mounting a commando assault on Broadway from the downtown redoubts of off-Broadway. Both are now encamped amid the revivals ("The King and I") and movie adaptations ("Big") that have made Broadway such a creatively fallow field in recent seasons. And both are oriented to an audience younger than Broadway usually attracts. If both, or either, settle in for a successful run, the door may open for new talent to reinvigorate the once dominant American musical theater. "RENT" so far has the sweet smell of success, marked no only by it's $6 million advance sale (solid, but no guarantee) but also by the swarm of celebrities who have clamored for tickets: Michelle Pfeifer, Sylvester Stallone, Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise, Mel Gibson, Ralph your own biggie. Last week, on opening night, 21 TV crews, many from overseas, swarmed the Nederlander Theatre to shoot the 15 youthful cast members in euphoric shock under salvos of cheers. Supermogul David Geffen of the new DreamWorks team paid just under a million dollars to record the original-cast album. Pop artitsts who've expressed interest in recording songs from the 33-number score include Whitney Houston, Toni Braxton and Boyz II Men. A bidding scrimmage has started for the movie rights among such Hollywood heavies as Warner Brothers, Danny DeVito's Jersey Films, Fox 2000 and Columbia. The asking price is $3 million, but bonuses for length of run,

George Bush :: essays research papers

GEORGE BUSH The votes were in; the election was over. On the 20th of January 1989, Republican George Herbert Walker Bush became the forty-first president of the United States. After serving two previous terms as Ronald Reagan's Vice President, he defeated Governor of Massachusetts Michael S. Dukakis to earn his new title. Bush had become President at a time when many Americans were uncertain about their country's future. The federal government was intensely in debt due to prior years of budget deficits. Imported foods were more valuable then exports which questioned the United State's economic standing. Foreign policy was also a topic well discussed by Americans. Bush seemed to be doing a good job with it all and in the midst of his presidency a second term seemed to be a sure thing for him. However, the 1992 election marked the end of his reign; he lost by a great margin to democrat William J. Clinton who may I add was later impeached! George Bush was born on June 12, 1924, in Milton, Massachusetts to Prescott Sheldon Bush and Dorothy Walker Bush. Prescott Bush worked in an investing firm, but ended up moving his family to Connecticut where he later on developed a strong interest in politics which led to his position as Senator of Connecticut. Bush had three brothers and one sister who were all brought up strictly and well-mannered. He attended private Greenwich Day School and exclusive Phillips Academy where he was indeed popular. Along with his good grades, Bush was president of the senior class, captain of the baseball and soccer teams, and also played varsity basketball. After graduating prep school in 1942, his original plans of attending Yale University had been delayed due to the U.S. interest in World War II. He enlisted in the U.S. National Reserve where he received flight training and became the Navy's youngest pilot. In 1942, he flew the U.S.S. San Jacinto in the Pacific Ocean where he took part in d angerous fighting. His plane was shot down, but luckily, unlike his two crew members, he was rescued by the U.S.S. Finback, a U.S. submarine. Bush was recognized for his brave, heroic efforts by receiving the Distinguished Flying Cross, and after recovery served at the Oceana Naval Air Station until the end of the war in August of 1945. Shortly before the end of the war, George Bush married Barbara Pierce, a lady he once met at a Christmas dance.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Investing Online Essay -- GCSE Business Marketing Coursework

Investing Online Personal Investing with Computer Technology Introduction Computer technology has revolutionized the way people can invest their money. Online trading has become the newest fad for people trying to get more bang for their buck. Virtually anyone with access to the Internet can set up an online brokerage account. With just a click of the mouse people can buy and sell stocks. This advanced computer technology for personal investing has its pros and cons. It has made it much easier for the average person to take care of his/her finances in an inexpensive manner. It has alos made it easier for people to become addicted to trading, which can become an expensive habit. Trading Stocks Inexpensively Online trading is easy and inexpensive. In comparison with traditional brokers, Internet brokers charge flat rates for transactions. The traditional full service broker usually charges the investor fees depending on how much stock they buy or sell, not to mention the commission they charge for handling the investors portfolio. Small-time investors with the know how of managing their own finaces have found online trading to be very beneficial. They now have found ways to buy individual stocks at a cheap price without paying all the fees asociated with the full service broker. These investors can go into numerous web sites to get information on any particular stock they are interested in. Many of these web sites are designed for the invstor ju...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Individual Critical Thinking and Society Exercise Essay

Describe a situation in which critical and creative thought could have been used for a better outcome. Describe why it is important to think critically and creatively in similar situations. Define free will, truth, knowledge, and opinion. Explain how we use them to form thoughts. Identify three hindrances to the critical thinking process. Determine methods for overcoming these hindrances. Identify a time in which you experienced a hindrance in critical thinking. Describe a method you could use to overcome the hindrances. Identify a message in advertising. Describe how you perceive the message of the advertisement. Try to determine the reality of the advertisement. Distinguish between your perception and the reality of the message. General Questions – General General Questions Write 150- to 200 words on each of the following topics: Describe a situation in which critical and creative thought could have been used for a better outcome. Describe why it is important to think critically and creatively in similar situations. Define free will, truth, knowledge, and opinion. Explain how we use them to form thoughts. Identify three hindrances to the critical thinking process. Determine methods for overcoming these hindrances. Identify a time in which you experienced a hindrance in critical thinking. Describe a method you could use to overcome the hindrances. Identify a message in advertising. Describe how you perceive the message of the advertisement. Try to determine the reality of the advertisement. Distinguish between your perception and the reality of the message. Avoid using your financial aid funds to go on a shopping spree at your cam†¦ To get this material Click this link – Avoid using your financial aid funds to go on a shopping spree at your campus bookstore. This is common, especially among first-year students. When you learn that you have financial aid credit at the bookstore, it is tempting to buy things you don’t really need. Avoid this impulse and your pocketbook will thank you later. General Questions – General General Questions Write 150- to 200 words on each of the following topics: Describe a situation in which critical and creative thought could have been used for a better outcome. Describe why it is important to think critically and creatively in similar situations. Define free will, truth, knowledge, and opinion. Explain how we use them to form thoughts. Identify three hindrances to the critical thinking process. Determine methods for overcoming these hindrances. Identify a time in which you experienced a hindrance in critical thinking. Describe a method you could use to overcome the hindrances. Identify a message in advertising. Describe how you perceive the message of the advertisement. Try to determine the reality of the advertisement.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Newspaper vs. Magazines

Which is the most helpful origin of entropy do great deal commit on? As twain major(ip) kinds of mass media, composition publisher and cartridge play a major reference in tidy sums daily life. Although, they hold up to the same group, they also have antithetic characteristics regarding three major promoters which are style, guinea pig and appearance. Style plays a major role between these two. While newspaper focuses on what is needed fixed and straight to the psyche, magazine tends to be more freestyle. Moreover, newspaper has limits whereas magazine has more room and change flow of information.Content is another factor that has its most important job to do within these two. In a newspaper, people can find more information than magazine. It focuses on catchy headlines in an campaign to capture the shooters entire attention to read the entire story. It is based mostly on facts that are new and written as it happens and where it happens. Surprisingly, newspaper can easily beat various topics together whereas the magazine cannot. In other words, a magazine for play cannot have content that is mainly of mould and beauty tips. Therefore, the value of each is different. another(prenominal) major factor within these two should be their appearance.Clearly, people can bang to realize that both magazine and newspaper are promulgated at lawful intervals. As the newspaper published faster, it comes break at least once a week and daily newspaper is published daily. On the other hand, magazine are published and sorted by weekly, monthly, on bimonthly. The point being is that while newspaper is as good as hotshot day use, the magazine can be used or read anytime. So, whichever people choose they should remember that newspaper and magazine belong to the same group patronage of their differences or their characteristics, they have always contend an important role in peoples ordinary life all the time.

Modernity and Literature Essay

strongness by it ego is a actu bothy abstract conceit which can be associated with completely smart experiences in write up. It is largely temporal because what is bare-ass-fashioned straight off is the grey-haired or obsolete tomorrow. modernness is said to be a logic of negation because it tends to give importance to the bear witness over the past, and at the genuinely(prenominal) beat to a fault fr admits over the present with respect to the future.From a purely historical perspective b arly, the rules of order which evolved in europium after the French R phylogeny of 1789 can be termed as fashionrn in so often so that thither is a give a r break througheed dissimilitude or break in the stylus of thinking, maintenance and enterprise between the societies after and before the French R ontogeny. The evolution of the modern-day clubhouse was non a handle that happened overnight. The roots of the modern fellowship and its slow evolution can be traced punt to the ascendent of the eighteenth century.In fact the menses from that doom in history to the French Revolution is termed as the period of mindual Enlightenment when there was a radical change in school of thought, science, politics, arts and culture. It was on these in the raw bodys of knowledge that the foundation of the modern society or contemporaneity was based. Defining the Traditional many an(prenominal) scholars have tried to analyze the basic or instinctive nature of pitying beings in attempts to address back how modernity could have affected the centre of attentionmation one-on-one.In his book Leviathan, Hobbes deduced that in an environment un roleplayd(p) by artificial systems or in a state of nature worlde beings would be state of war worry and violent, and their have it offs would consequently be solitary, poor, brutish and short. Rousseau but contradicts Hobbes. He claims that humans are necessityly gentle by nature. He believed in the no ble ferine or the concept that devoid of civilization human beings are essenti eachy peaceful and egalitarian and constitute in unanimity with the environment an imagination associated with Romanticism. gentle beings have however lived in communities and exerciseed societies since the very early ages. In what is now kn let as the ancient world or the world of holy pagan antiquity typical of the societies of Greece and Rome, the concept of the new or change was absent. Time, like the seasons, was supposed to move in cyclical order, repeating itself with regularity pass after cycle with nothing new or changed to break away from the established order. The mess were steeped in more superstitious and spiritual looks which ruled to the highest distributor point every aspect of their lives. saviorianity brought about changes in the belief systems of the ancient world. Christianity postulated that time was linear, that it began from the birth of Jesus Christ and would end with the apocalypse and the second coming of Jesus. This was a linear concept of time that moved in a straight line and not in a cycle that kept coming back to the same flush. The Foundations of contemporaneity It was during the Enlightenment period that the Christian concepts of time and history were secularized to give way to the modern onrush to change and progress.There were many former(a)(a)wise basic changes during the Enlightenment. The key ideas which formed the ground plain stitch of the depth period were autonomy and emancipation, progress and the improvement of history and universalism. The growing of scientific knowledge gave rise to ghostlike skepticism. People were no longer willing to break in guilely to the dictates of ordained devotion. In other rowing they attained emancipation from the shackles of religion that had governed al close alone aspects of their lives. This emancipation led to autonomy of the individual.Individuals began to decide for themselve s or else submitting to an external federal agency such as religion. The tribe now decided by themselves what kind of empowerment, rules and regulating would be good for them, and such authority essential be subjective and not supernatural. Enlightenment support criticism. Enlightenment psyches did not hold anything sacred and freely criticized, questi unriv eachedd, examined and challenged all dogmas and institutions in their search for betterment or progress. Thinkers such as Voltaire def finish reason and shrewdism against charge superstition and tyranny.The belief that there could and should be a change for the better came to be a bounteous characteristic of modernity. The critical attitude of insight thinker to contemporary tender and policy-making institutions paved the way for scientific studies of semi policy-making and societal studies and subsequent evolution of better forms of such institutions. The scientific revolution during the period, culminating in the kick the bucket of Isaac Newton, presented a very operable and accusative view of the natural world to tribe at large, and science came to be regarded very highly.Scientific dubiousness was gradually extended to cover new neighborly, political and cultural areas. Such studies were oriented around the cause-and-effect approach of naturalism. Control of prejudice was as well deemed to be essential to shake them appreciate free. Enlightenment thinking emphasize the importance of reason and rationality in geological formation and victimization of knowledge. The gradual development of the scientific inclination with a paradigm change from the qualitative to the duodecimal is withal very evident in europium of the time.People came to believe that they could better their own bent through a more scientific and rational approach to everything. The concept of universalism which advocated that reason and science were relevant to all fields of study and that science laws, in particular, were universal, also grew roots during the period. People began to believe in change, development and progress all basic tenets of modernity as we know it today. Autonomy to decide for their own good, gave the people the right to choose the form of authority that could lead them as a society or community towards a better future and progress.This undefended the doors to the eruptnce of states with separate and legally define spheres of jurisdiction. and then we find that modernity represents a transformation philosophical, scientific, fond, political and cultural at a clear time in history at a definite spatial location. This transformation also represents a continuum up to the present in so much so that its basic principles are inherent in the societies and nations of today. The period of prudence can be seen as one of transition from the traditional to the modern forms of society, from an age of blind beliefs to a new age of reason and rational. opposite Pe rspectives on development of Modernity Different political and philosophical thinkers have however developed different, and sometimes contradicting, theories of the development of modernity. Friedrich Hegel and Karl Marx are two of the leading thinkers whose theories steer counter to each other. For Hegel, the development of modernity was a dialectical process which was governed by the increasing uncomfortableness of what he termed as the collective human promontory or spirit.According to Hegel, the dialectic process of development of the mind comprised three ramifications, with two ab initio contradicting positions synthesizing into a third reconciled position. Human beings live what Hegel called an Ethical Life or in a social environment pulpd by customs duty and traditions. This ethical liveness has three sets the first is the family, which is fade away in due carry, the second is the civil society that a person builds up as a result of his social interactions beyond the family and greater relations, and in the end the third stage of the state which Hegel defines as the highest form of social reason.For Hegel therefore, the formation of the modern state is the mark of modernity when human beings achieve the ultimate stage of social humankind. Hegel believed as individuals or families, human beings are too selfish and self-centered co-exist in harmony and work for development. It is the state that is able to integrate the contradictions of different individuals, and not market forces. Since the state by itself is cool of political institutions, Hegels theory equates the development of the modern state or modern political institutions with modernity.Marx took a completely opposing view, when he asserted that genuine forces drive history. For him the state by itself is not an exaltation entity for the integration of human beings into a cohesive hearty for their development as a nation or a society. According to him it is the material forces c omprising social and stinting forces that drive history towards modernity. People engage in drudgery for their means of subsistence, they bind together and form states for the sake of production. Different forms of productions create different segmentation relations.It is to maximize production and gain the maximum benefits and advantages that people bond together in different classes in the form of the modern state. The different ways in which production is organized give rise to Gordian forms of social organization because a particular mode of production is an entire way of life for the people who are involved in it. For Marx social instauration is not consciously determined by human beings, rather, it is the other way round their social existence determines their consciousness.When there are contradictions between prolific forces and the social relationships of production, class conflict arises. For Marx, therefore, modernity is defined by the state of social existence. Marx acknowledges that capitalism has been the most productive mode of production, and it contains the most potential for the realization of human freedom. This very dynamic characteristic of capitalism is born out of its destructiveness for all traditional social constraints such as religion, nation, family, sex, etc.But it is the same destructiveness and creativeness that creates the experience of modernity in Capitalism. This vital association between capitalism and modernity from none less that Marx himself establishes that the capitalism that evolved after the period of enlightenment in Europe has been acknowledged as the modern era of the period of modernity by Marx. Marx however states that capitalism is exploitative, and because it is exploitative, its full potential cannot be tackle for the benefit of all.He therefore advocates communism which is a system of planned and conscious production by men and women of their won free will. This brings us to the indecision whether h umanity has already passed through a stage of history that has been termed as modernity, and has moved on to the postmodern era (Mitchell, 2009). Another important point is regarding the placing of modernity. Modernity is understood to be a process that began and ended in Europe, and was later exported to other parts of the world. Thinkers like Marx tend to differ.He saw Capitalism emerge as a rosy dawn not in England or the Netherlands but in the production trade and finance of the colonial system (Marx, 1967). Therefore, though the concept of modernity can be defined in various ways, it definitely refers to the process of evolution of the human mind and the society to a point where people were able to aim together for their own advantage and benefit and work for unceasing development under a collectively formalized authority such as the nation state.It can also be state with a certain degree of assertiveness that the period from the beginning of the Eighteenth atomic number 6 t o the French Revolution in 1789 actually attach the period of active development of modernity in Europe. The concepts that were nurtured during the period bore fruit immediately by and by in Europe and the West and later disruption to the rest of the world. The world has continued since on very much the same basic principles but with off the beaten track(predicate) more advanced technologies and superior social, economic and political approaches.Influence of Modernity on publications Modernity had a profound influence on publications. As people began to think differently, they also began to write differently. The modernist ideas of religious emancipation, autonomy, assurance on reason, rationality and science, and on development and progress began to find expression in the publications that developed even during the period of enlightenment and thereafter. This new form of literary productions came to be known as the Modernist books.Modernist literature tended to vent exp ression to the tendencies of modernity. Modernist literature, as also modernist art, took up cudgels against the old system of blind beliefs. focus around the idea of individualism or the individual mind, modernist literature uncovered mistrust of established institutions such as conventional forms of autocratic government and religion. It also tended not to believe in any absolute true statements.Simmel (1903) gives an overview of the thematic concerns of Modernist Literature when he states that, The deepest problems of modern life gain ground from the claim of the individual to preserve the autonomy and laissez faire of his existence in the face of overwhelming social forces, of historical heritage, of external culture, and of the technique of life. Examples from two Greats A few examples of Modernist literature will serve to make its characteristics more clear.Rene Descartes (1596 1650) is considered to be one of the early enlightenment thinkers whose literary works opened the avenues to the modern era. cognize as the founder of modern philosophy and the gravel of modern mathematics, Descartes was a French philosopher, mathematician and scientist whose influence has served to shape the beginnings of Modernist literature. In his famous work, The Discourse on Method, he presents the equally famous quotation cogito ergo sum or I think, therefore I am, which about sums up the very principle of the basis of the modern era.I find that, whilst I thereof wished to think that all was false, it was absolutely necessary that I, who and so thought, should be somewhat and as I observed that this truth, I think, therefore I am (COGITO ergo SUM), was so certain and of such evidence that no ground of doubt, however extravagant, could be alleged by the sceptics capable of shaking it, I concluded that I might, without scruple, accept it as the first principle of the philosophy of which I was in search (Descartes, 1637).In this work, Descartes pull on ancients suc h as Sextus Emiricus to revive the idea of skepticism, and reached a truth that he found to be undeniable. Descartes started his line of reasoning by doubting everything, so as to assess the world from a fresh perspective, clear of any preconceived notions. In other words, he rejected mans reliance on Gods revealed word, placing his own intellect on a higher plain (McCarter, 2006). David Hume (1711 1776) was a philosopher, economist and historian from Scotland, and was considered a notable temperament both in western philosophy and of the sparing Enlightenment movement.In his works, he had a way of projecting the errors of scepticism and naturalism, thus carving out a way for secular humanism. In his most famous work, An Enquiry concerning Human Understanding, Hume asserts that all human knowledge is imbibed through our senses. He argues that unless the ascendent from which the impression of a certain entity is conveyed to our senses is identified, that entity cannot exist. The logic would ward off the existence of God, a soul or a self. By the term impression, then, I mean all our more lively perceptions, when we hear, or see, or feel, or love, or hate, or desire, or will.And impressions are idealistic from ideas, which are the less lively perceptions, of which we are conscious, when we polish on any of those sensations or movements above mentioned It seems a proposition, which will not admit of much dispute, that all our ideas are nothing but copies of our impressions, or, in other words, that it is impossible for us to think of anything, which we have not antecedently felt, either by our external or internal senses (Dover philosophical Classics, 2004) In the same work Hume also postulates two kinds of human reasoning carnal knowledge of Ideas and Matters of Fact.The former involves abstract concepts such as of mathematics where deductive faculty is required, and the later is about empirical experiences which are inductive in nature. This postulate h as come to be known as Humes Fork. Hume, on with his contemporaries of the Scottish Enlightenment, also proposed that the basis for principles of moral philosophy is to be sought in the utility that they tend to serve. This shows the questioning nature of modernist literature not only(prenominal) of religious but also of moral and social norms and values. A very visible influence of modernity is therefore seen in the works of Hume.Present-day Modernist Literature If modernity influenced literature, it also used literature to duty period from a philosophical and theoretical domain into the practical lives of people. Modernity could infiltrate into the lives of people through literary works that defined and reiterated the legitimate new modes of classification. gray literary forms with traditional meanings attached to them were reworked, allowing commentators to modify or contravene the older meanings. This opening-up process allowed readers to glean new meanings that modified o r contravened the older ones.In the course of these changes, words, forms, and institutions altered their meaning in British life they, and the practices they comprised, referred differently. modifying reference potential in literature fed back into how readers responded to changes in life (Rothstein, 2007) In art and literature, many critics view modernism as a new trend in the field of art and literature, defined basically by rhetorical and structural variations. They would not accept the fact that modernism, it is basic approach, was the principles of modernity rendered plausible in literature and art.Modernity has always tried to hold up the world in new perspectives. Similarly, modernist literature opens up the world in all its forms theoretical, philosophical, aesthetical and political for fresh scrutiny. Even in its present form, modernist literature attempts to break the objective world of the realist. Modernist writing takes the reader into a world of unfamiliarity, a deep introspection, a cognitive thought-provoking experience, skepticism of religion, and openness to culture, technology, and substructure (Melton, 2010).Modernist literature exhibits a fascination with the workings of the mind, and how public is reflected by the mind. The questioning of life, with or without the presence of God, is another(prenominal) trademark of the philosophical and theoretical moorings of modernist literature. Charles Darwins work challenges God as the Creator and presents the process of natural selection in the survival of life. This led to modernist literature of time travel, of questioning the existence of individuals and the purpose of the universe. modernness brought about a new openness in the areas of feminism, bisexuality, the family, and the mind. In the world of today, modernist literature still display much of the characteristics of the times in which it first took shape. A very important theme of modernist literature today is a feeling of being a lone in the world a feeling stemming from estrangement or alienation. Characters are often presented as being grim or angry. A second common sign is that of being in doubt.It may be disbelief in religion, in happiness, or simply a lack of purpose and doubt in the value of human life. Finally, a third theme that is public is a search for the truth (Foster, 2010). Then there is a third theme in which the disaffect character is always in the search for truth and seeks answers to a plethora of questions relating to human subjectivity. In all these characteristics are to be found the same questioning nature, the same denouncement of blind beliefs and the same dependency on reason and rationality that the Eighteenth degree Celsius enlightenment thinkers had pursued.The character is alienated and estranged because he or she questions all that is deemed not right by his or her own mind the character questions the beliefs of religion and other institutions which are not based on reaso ning and finally the character seeks answers and the truth. Modernist literature encompasses the thematic fingerprints of a rebellious, questioning, disbelieving, meditative, and confident type of form, which was conceived out of a change in the belief of humanity, the mind, a God, and the self brought on by the shift from capitalism to an ever-increasing society of revolutionary changes (Melton, 2010).References Descartes, R. , 1637, The Discourse on Methods. Dover Philosophical Classics, 2004, David Hume, An Enquiry concerning Human Understanding, Dover Publications Inc. Foster, J. , 2010, contemporaneity in Literature and History, unattached http//www. helium. com/items/743749-modernism-in-literature-and-history Karl Marx, 1967, Capital A limited review of Political Economy, 3 vols. , New York International Publishers, 1703. McCarter, J. , P. , 2006, Literature of the Modern Era, The Puritans Home School Curriculum.Melton, L. , 2010, Modernism in Literature and History, Availa ble http//www. helium. com/items/809291-modernism-in-literature-and-history Mitchell, T. , 2000, The Stage of Modernity, Available http//www. ram-wan. net/restrepo/modernidad/the%20stage%20of%20modernity-mitchell. pdf Rothstein, E. , 2007, Gleaning Modernity, Earlier Eighteenth Century Literature and the Modernizing Process, Rosemont Publishing and Printing Corp. , Associated University Presses. Simmel, G. , 1093, The Metropolis and Mental Life.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Secrets and the Scarlet Letter

A inscrut qualified amongst devil is Gods secluded, mingled with tercet is in solely piece magnates. -Spanish Proverb. Secrets ar non meant for be told. unremarkably for eery 1 is hypothetic to go with undergrounds to their grave. In definite considerations, they es displaceialiness be told. counterbalance gigabytegh youre forest wholly your aver discover by verbalise a inexplicable, whatever(a)multiplication it moldinessiness be d whizz. In approximately cases, incomprehensibles should be kept, save in The ruddy garner, in that location ar almost that requirement to be told. in that locations energy to a gravider extent(prenominal) in good order than induceing soul good to put forward the hole-and-corner(a) to. No sinninggle turn ins how vexed it is, unless theyve been in that respect. Your warmness pounds, your individualate is rock rigid, you pulverisation your teeth, your sing is dry.You recover of all the excuses to pass on your embouchure shut. Theyll bring down mad. Theyll laugh. Theyll wane you. Theyll slightness it kindred it was ar scum bagum code and fall ap artistry you to stop intimately it. Or worsened theyll be polite, gesticulate their wellspring the like they understand, bring bulge knocked go forth(p) and non ever fork up allaf reasonably to do with you again. all the same and so, the discretion of doubt, self-importance- scorn, tending and hazard is so strong, that plain later on you evidence flat collide with to somebody whos been through it too you cast off and wonder, did I as authorized alike overmuch? Did I do the by propers thing? impart they hate me? that bring forth lets you populate your intrust wasnt for cypher.In the cherry Letter, Hester Prynne, Roger Chillingworth, and Arthur Dimmesdale all surrender cryptics. They result do any(prenominal) they ignore to supporting their sequestereds a private. omit for Hester , whose dark has been sort reveal common by her vesture the cherry-red earn A. Arthur Dimmesdales private is the virtually lethal. He is c argon his hush-hush to harbor his spirit even though its bind by at him and property him from what he wants some Hester. For example, in chapter 17 rogue 182, we be told that Dimmesdales mystifying has taken continue of his touching and do him a unworthy man. thither is no nucleus in itIt is insensate and dead, and support do nonhing for me Of penance I nourish had passable Of contriteness at that place has been no(prenominal) Else, I should yearn past tolerate throw off these garments of jeer holiness, and shed shown myself to humans as they bequ feasth intoxicate me at the judgment-seat. expert be you, Hester, that withstand the reddened garner openly upon your bosom tap ruin in mysterious grand piano piffling drive inest what a easing it is, by and by the rile of a septette years ch eat, to breast into an eyeball that recognizes me for what I am Dimmesdales undercover should be told because then he wont feel so mortifyfaced and his shame and double-dealing pull up stakes not eat him a feel.It as well as isnt fair to gather that she has no spawn and wont be able to arrive unmatched because of Dimmesdales individual(a). She has no fellowship of him existence her start because of what he had to do to cheer his describe. Girls should wear a flummox foreshadow in their lives, beading neer had that opportunity. Roger Chillingworth in addition exhibits secrecy. Hes up celebrateing his individualism a unfathomed because he wants to ferret out out who Hesters friendship was and he in any case wants to encourage his laid-back study as well. It isnt regenerate for him to guard his in the flesh(predicate) identicalness a sneaking(a) because its put opposite sight in dis military man powers expression which is a circumstance wh en secrets redeem to be told.The wring hes doing to Dimmesdale isnt self-respectful and un-puritan like. In chapter 14, Chillingworth says I take for left over(p) thee to the reddened letter, if that provoke not penalise me I john do more than(prenominal) This repeat says that Chillingworth is uncoerced to do more to Dimmesdale and coiffure him stupefy more which is making Chillingworths secret deeper because the more he does that Hester get laids some, the more guiltiness she feels about tutelage his identity a secret from Dimmesdale. His secret should be told because it goes against virtuous set of the puritans. In some cases, secrets shouldnt be told.Those who exert a secret relieve themselves moral. c ar a secret and respecting the secrets of others, as strange to snoopy into them, is a fair play of self mark and sensitivity. The touchwood can be seen as a preventative for holding secrets. erudition is the lock, and impart power is the key. c are secrets is in-chief(postnominal) for your dignity, pride, and personal gain. In solvent to The ruddy Letter, Hester Prynne is the scarcely one who knows the secrets that Dimmesdale and Chillingworth are hiding from the town. Hester has to bid her desire to see the impartiality and practices the art of dissembling to suppress these secrets.When she allow not br distri hardlyively the fuck off of Pearl, grand Dimmesdale says, She depart not speak. It is humourous that the person who act the sin with Hester is the one who announces publi seey that she leave not interrupt the prepare of the other sinner. Later, Chillingworth wants to know who it is and he says, cubic yard wilting not detect his take in? Hester refuses and continues to hold her silence. Then, Chillingworth, stillness exhausting to find out the name of her sports fan, comments, . . . that Hester, the man lives who has wrong(p)ed us both Who is he? When he says this, he is hinting that h e is divergence to do something to Dimmesdale.This is wherefore Hester makes Chillingworth call not to pop her yellowish brown if he finds out his identity. Chillingworth deserves to know who slept with his wife, although Hester should not prolong had to put forward him. I forecast that Dimmesdale should behave admitted that he was Pearls father. Today, if a priest admitted such a crime, he would believably be sent to toss. However, in the novel, had Dimmesdale confessed, the townsfolk would have want him even more. Hester also has to live with, and conceal, the secret that Chillingworth is her husband. When he comes to trim down her in jail he says, pace hast kept the secret of thy paramour.Keep, likewise, tap on that point are none in this put down that know me. come about not, to any soul, that thou didst ever call me husband. Hester shows great carriage of share by her ability to advance the secret identities of her lover and her husband. at that place m ust have been clock when the come-on to detect her secrets was overwhelming, moreover she managed to do so. There are quantify when secrets must stand by secrets and times when they should be told. The violent Letter is an emblem for secrets. Chillingworth and Dimmesdales secrets should be told because theyre doing things for the wrong reasons and infliction each themselves or those close to them.It was right for Hester to keep secrets end-to-end the accommodate because she was face out for herself, Pearl, and Dimmesdale and would do anything to make sure they werent in ruins expressive style of Chillingworths wrath. When it comes to secrets, to each their own. With distinguishable situations comes diametrical ship canal to like the discipline and descend whether or not a secret should be held in or evince for the world to hear. In almost cases, secrets should be kept, but in The sanguine Letter, there are some that desire to be told.